Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Money Can't Buy You Happiness

Like the Beatles' song, Money Can't Buy You Love, money can't buy you happiness.  So about now you're thinking, "Yeah, right!"  If I only had more money, a nicer car, a better job, I would be happy.  Studies conducted on happiness indicate this is the case only on a temporary basis.  Initially, when you get a raise, win money or buy something new there is a spike in happiness.  Then it drops off and you return to your usual level of happiness.  So if all the things you think will make you happy, won't do that for the long haul,  what will?

For happiness that lasts try helping others.  If you commit random acts of kindness your mood will lift.  Finding small ways of helping others is easy in daily life.  Keep your eyes open.  Hold the door open for someone, help someone with carrying groceries or picking up something they dropped.  Challenge yourself to find a small way to help someone everyday.  If you find a way to help that is a grand gesture that is great,  but you only have to help in some small way to benefit.  Observe somone else helping and your mood will also benefit from observing kind acts.  These are lessons from the happiness research.  Let me know what you have done to help someone, send in your comments.

1 comment:

  1. I would still like the opportunity to successfully combine random acts of kindness with an overflowing bank account :0)
