Happiness, everyone wants it and it seems so elusive to many. People who report they are happy only think about it when asked the question; Are you happy? People who report they are unhappy think about it much more, sometimes weekly, sometimes daily. The unhappy are obsessed with happiness and the fact that they do not have it. Here is the truth. No one is happy all the time.
Unhappy people have the notion that others are happy all the time. They observe people around them and come to the conclusion that "everyone is happy but me." When we see others in day to day activitites, we see only a moment in their life. Its like watching a movie trailer. Sometimes the trailer gives a good idea of the movie and how good it is and other times we can be fooled by the trailer. It can have us believe we must see this movie! But the movie turns out to be a dud. This is what it is like when we see others and conclude they are happier than us.
So the question is, "What are we to do to avoid the everyone is happy but me trap?" Do this. Focus on what is going right instead of what is going wrong. Everyday we need to list at least three things that went right. Some days it may be as basic as getting to work with no car problems or really enjoying lunch or dinner. It is possible to find three things that went right in a 24 hour period. Try it and let me know what went right for you.
I'm reading this at work, which for me means I have a great job, I'm fortunate enough to have a job, and that I have worthwhile people in my life that offer blogs like this that can actually enrich my life. Thanks Ann Marie!